Blue badge holders have an automatic entitlement to a parking space as close to the accessible entrance to the building as possible. We try to ensure there are at least two accessible parking spaces per building, but this is not always possible. We expect members of staff to apply for a blue badge is they are likely to be eligible. Please note that there may be some access restrictions e.g. the underground Gloucester Green car park does not have lift access.
People who have a temporary mobility impairment for medical reasons, for example if recovering from surgery, may be able to use one of their department’s operational spaces for up to three months.
Staff with other disabilities or medical conditions are given a high priority for getting permits, but these are simply a licence to hunt for a space, not a guaranteed space.
People with a mobility impairment who are not eligible for a blue badge may request special arrangements if they are experiencing difficulties. Please contact the Staff Disability Advisor for further information.
For further information about travel, including maps see our Travel & Transport webpage.