A conversation with a Harassment Advisor is just that, it is not the start of a process but an opportunity for you to voice your concerns in a supportive and non-judgemental space.
A Harassment Advisor will:
- Deal with your case with the utmost confidentiality unless, exceptionally, an individual is considered to be at risk of serious harm. They would normally discuss this with you first.
- Listen.
- Be non-judgemental
- Guide you through the University or the relevant college Policy and Procedure on Harassment and Bullying.
- Clarify the options open to you and support you in resolving the matter informally where possible.
- Signpost you on to other agencies or support systems where appropriate.
Harassment Advisors provide similar support to those have been accused of harassment, however they will not support both parties in a case.
The Harassment Advisor cannot:
- Make statements to the effect that particular behaviour definitely constitutes harassment that will lead to disciplinary action or to the effect that a particular behaviour is NOT harassment,
- approach the alleged harasser in an attempt to mediate or resolve the matter for you;
- act as your representative or advocate; or
- be involved in any formal stage of the process, be it in writing the formal complaint, the investigation, disciplinary or grievance procedures, except by way of giving you the support you need during this time.