5. In some cases, a student who feels harassed by another student may feel able to approach the person in question to explain what conduct the first student finds upsetting, offensive or unacceptable, and to ask that person to refrain from that behaviour. At no time should a student feel obliged to approach an alleged harasser, and the University does not wish to suggest that students who feel that they have been harassed are responsible for rectifying the situation. It may often be appropriate to proceed directly to stages 2 and 3 of the procedure.
6. Before taking informal action, the student could discuss the situation with a Harassment Advisor, or in the case of sexual behaviour, with a Specialist Advisor at the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service. If the student does not feel comfortable contacting a local advisor in their college or department, they can contact the Harassment Line for details of another advisor (Tel. 01865 270760 or email harassment.line@admin.ox.ac.uk). A Harassment Advisor can:
- listen to students who believe they are being harassed, to clarify the options open to them and to assist them in resolving the matter informally where possible
- discuss with a student what they may wish to say or write to the person who they feel has harassed or bullied them or to a senior member of staff who can take action
Advisors will not approach the alleged harasser on behalf of an individual. Details of the role of the harassment advisor can be found on the Harassment Advisor Network webpage.