PC users: Start with the Ease of Access Center on your PC, which you’ll find under the Control Panel. This provides improved accessibility such as increased font size for headings, and changes to mouse settings.
If you have a visual impairment or dyslexia and find a white screen difficult to use, you may also want to change the background colour of your screen. The method for doing this varies according to which version of Windows you are using. If you are using the Windows Aero theme in version 7 or later this doesn’t currently allow you to change the background colour. So first change the theme to Windows Classic or an Ease of Access theme. [Control Panel > Appearance and Personalisation]. Then scroll down to the bottom of page, where you can click on the Window Color icon to get a dialogue box. Click the downward arrow in the Item box to select Window. Then select Colour 1. If you click on Other you will be given a greater choice of colours. Select the one you want and click OK.
AbilityNet has further information on making your computer, tablet or phone easier to use and also produces a range of factsheets.